dearest geoff i miss you more then words can say. our first Christmas with out you and it was hard. we all had a cry at different memory's. not a day goes by when i do not mention your name. Leigh got engaged Christmas eve and i told him as he proposes to look up into the sky and the brightest star shining would be you looking over them. he tells me there was only one star that night i said that it must of been you. mum and dad miss you so much life will never be the same.I feel you presents with me every day and it gives me some comfort.good bless baby brother love you to the moon and back xxxx sylvia
we can not believe that six months have gone by. the tears keep flowing. we miss you more than every. Christmas was hard. love to you always x mum and dad xxxxxxx
happy birthday son love YOU AND MISS YOU XXXX MUM AND DAD
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